We are deploying sequenceserver to our infrastructure.
First of all thanks for this great tool !
We would be interested in running the blast jobs on our HPC, instead of a local server.
I have seen the documentation here https://sequenceserver.com/doc/#hpc and on the google forum https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sequenceserver/Ed05cYtHyPY/cMNYUxeaBQAJ.
But it seems outdated (2016), and the code has changed, the line number indicated doesn’t exist anymore:
And then modify L67 of lib/sequenceserver/blast.rb to
system("/path/to/script #{rfile.path} #{efile.path} #{command}")
Do you have an updated documentation for HPC integration ?
Is it easily achievable ?
NB: I have opened an issue on github on the same subject (https://github.com/wurmlab/sequenceserver/issues/445)
Thanks in advance.
Loraine Guéguen