I’m trying to set up sequenceserver.
The following happens
"[theo-kirklands-macbook-pro:~] theoneal% sequenceserver
Database dir not set.
SequenceServer needs to know where your FASTA files or BLAST+ databases are.
Please enter the path to the relevant directory (default: current directory).
Press Ctrl+C to quit.
Error obtaining BLAST databases.
Tried: blastdbcmd -recursive -list /Users/theoneal/blast/db -list_outfmt “%f %t %p %n %l %d”
BLAST Database error: Could not find volume or alias file (nr.01) referenced in alias file (/Users/theoneal/blast/db/nr.00/nr)."
I get the same error message when I try to use the ncbi-blast-2.2.30+ stand alone blast. There is a nr.pal file in the nr folder (575 bytes) and a nt.nal file (0 bytes) in the nt folder. Bothe nr and nt folders are in the db folder.
Any ideas?