Hi Priyam,
I didn’t realize it before, but once I got the results of the blast (release 1.0.14), in the “Download FASTA, XML, TSV” section, “FASTA of all hits” is “grayed out” and is not functional. Is this normal?
“FASTA of selected hit(s)” works when at least one hit is selected.
Loraine Guéguen
Hi Loraine,
That’s a limit of the 1.0 series - FASTA of all hits is disabled when there are more than 30 hits.
This is not a problem with the 2.0 release though if you want to migrate - https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sequenceserver/c98ePBzcuVE/JhcXFSNjAwAJ
Unless you have extensive customisation, migrating to 2.0 should be straightforward. And I am here to help if not.