Need help with JQuery


Could you please help me with JQuery issues?

I added two check boxes to the BLAST user interface: one called “Select all nucleotide databases” (checkallnt) above the list of nucleotide databases and one called “Select all protein databases” (checkallaa) above the list of protein databases.
When you click the “Select all nucleotide databases” checkbox, all check boxes of the nucleotide databases will be selected and the same functionality applies to the “Select all protein databases” checkbox.

I added the following code to the search.erb

Select all nucleotide databases
Select all protein databases

The following code were added to the sequenceserver.js (Please see the attached file)

I was able to get all the check boxes of the nucleotide databases selected when the “Select all nucleotide databases” checkbox is checked and the check boxes of protein databases turn gray (disable). The same functional feature can be seen for the protein databases. The only issue I have encountered is I expected that the “Select all protein databases” checkbox must be disable when the “Select all nucleotide databases” checkbox is checked and vice versa.

The following code are not working



I am attaching a screenshot of the BLAST UI so you could understand my issue I encountered

Thanks for your help.

addedCodeToSS.txt (2.62 KB)



We have this feature in version 2.0 of SequenceServer:

You can upgrade to version 2.0, or take a look at how the feature is implemented there. But of the top of my head, I think the property you are trying to change is called ‘disabled’.
