Hi, Prof. Priyam
The program ran very well yesterday, but today it became very slow, including the startup and query. The same sequence query took 30s yesterday, but today maybe 3 min. And the start time (seen in the figure) was much longer than yesterday (about 5s). My computer has not been made any changes.
Ubuntu 18.04,
Sequenceserver 2.0

The debug log is following
[2021-01-31 17:55:27] DEBUG {“job_id”=>“1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7”}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:27 +09] “GET /?job_id=1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7 HTTP/1.1” 200 2819
[2021-01-31 17:55:28] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:28 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2649
[2021-01-31 17:55:28] DEBUG {“job_id”=>“1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7”}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:28 +09] “GET /searchdata.json?job_id=1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7&job_id=1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7 HTTP/1.1” 200 352
[2021-01-31 17:55:30] DEBUG {“job_id”=>“1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7”, “sequence”=>">POLF1\r\nAKYACCTGCCATCTGTTTTCCAT\r\n>POLR1\r\nCAGAGAYCCAATTTGGAAAGGACC\r\n>POLP1\r\nCTCTGGAAAGGTGAAGGIGCAGTAGTAATACA", “databases”=>[“9a4b8d7aec86130340806e13778c0a8c”], “advanced”=>"-task blastn-short -evalue 1e-2", “method”=>“blastn”}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:30 +09] “POST /?job_id=1f193349-c16d-4bc4-b80e-4f684124eab7 HTTP/1.1” 303 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:30] DEBUG Executing: blastn -db ‘/home/fdd/hiv/HIV_database.fa’ -query ‘/home/fdd/.sequenceserver/33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82/query.fa’ -task blastn-short -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt ‘11 qcovs qcovhsp’ -num_threads 4
[2021-01-31 17:55:30] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:30 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82 HTTP/1.1” 200 2652
[2021-01-31 17:55:32] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:32 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2655
[2021-01-31 17:55:33] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:33 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:33] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:33 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:33] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:33 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:34] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:34 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:35] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:35 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:37] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:37 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:40] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:40 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:45] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:45 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:50] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:50 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:55:55] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:55:55 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:00] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:00 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:05] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:05 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:10] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:10 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:15] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:15 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:20] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:20 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:25] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:25 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:30] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:30 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:35] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:35 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:40] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:40 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:45] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:45 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:50] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:50 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:56:55] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:56:55 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 202 0
[2021-01-31 17:57:00] DEBUG {}
[2021-01-31 17:57:00] DEBUG Executing: blast_formatter -archive ‘/home/fdd/.sequenceserver/33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82/stdout’ -outfmt '5 ’
[2021-01-31 17:58:31] DEBUG Executing: blast_formatter -archive ‘/home/fdd/.sequenceserver/33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82/stdout’ -outfmt ‘7 qseqid sseqid sscinames qcovs qcovhsp’
... - - [31/Jan/2021:17:57:00 +09] “GET /33eaf442-37ab-454c-a66a-aefb7731be82.json HTTP/1.1” 200 5047
[2021-01-31 18:02:52] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:02:52 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2654
[2021-01-31 18:02:56] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:02:56 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2643
[2021-01-31 18:02:59] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:02:59 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2653
[2021-01-31 18:03:03] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:03:03 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2652
[2021-01-31 18:03:16] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:03:16 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2650
[2021-01-31 18:03:17] DEBUG {}
... - - [31/Jan/2021:18:03:17 +09] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 2650

Do you know what changed between yesterday and today? I noticed in the log you sent, that you are using BLAST 2.11.0? Could it be that you updated BLAST and that caused things to slow down?
ps: I am not a professor
Thanks for your kind reply, and I am so sorry for the wrong title ‘Prof.".
I didn’t change anything and the only difference was that the program had run in the background with “nohup” command for a night. The day before yesterday I also use the Blast Version 2.11. As can be seen, the time took to ’ Executing: blast_formatter -archive’ was too long than before, so today I will try to reinstall the lower version blast and lower version sequenceserver to figure out whether the time will be short. I would like to express my heartful gratitude to you.
Feb.1, 2021
I solved the problems!
I replaced Blast 2.11.0 with 2.10.1, but unfortunately, version 2.10.1 reported errors, the same message as “https://github.com/wurmlab/sequenceserver/issues/458”. Then I replaced the blast_formatter with version 2.9.0, and no error was reported again, and the time took to handle a query was about 1s. Now, everything works well. Thanks a lot for your work and help.