How do we delete or rename existing database?

Should I just delete the files in the db directory as specified in the configuration file?

Is renaming feature existent? Can’t seem to find it.

Do I need to restart web server or clear some cache of SequenceServer’s internal caching mechanism if it exists, for new databases to show up?

I have deleted existing ones, loaded new ones but the latter aren’t showing up and the deleted ones are there instead. I just can’t restart my web server for now since I have some on-going background jobs depending on it, and they’re running for days now.


Should I just delete the files in the db directory as specified in the
configuration file?

Is renaming feature existent? Can't seem to find it.

Remove the BLAST db files (.nhr, .nin, etc.). Then reformat the fasta
file using makeblastdb or SequenceServer's format-databases utility.

Do I need to restart web server or clear some cache of SequenceServer's
internal caching mechanism if it exists, for new databases to show up?

Using Apache+Passenger?

$ cd /path/to/sequenceserver
$ touch tmp/restart.txt

This will tell Passenger to restart SequenceServer app only.

-- Priyam