I get an error while executing sudo gem install --pre sequenceserver
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::PatheError)
installing into parent path /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/vendor/npm/font-awsome@4.4.0/fonts/FontAwsome.otf of /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/sequenceserver-1.1.0.beta10 is not allowed
Anyone know what this is?
What to do?
Hi Nick,
I might know what the problem is, but to be sure I need to know what is your operating system. Are you installing on Bash on Windows by any chance?
Hi Nick,
There are a few soft links in our gem package. It looks like RubyGems is not able to recreate these soft links during installation. But I am surprised that this would be a problem on a Linux distribution. Could you run "df -Th” and let me know what filesystem do you have (second column)?
It is in my todo list to remove soft links from the gem package. I will do that for the next beta release (which should hopefully be this week) and that will hopefully fix your problem. Alternatively, you could try running directly from git:
git clone https://github.com/wurmlab/sequenceserver
cd sequenceserver
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install --without=development
bundle exec bin/sequenceserver
Hi Priyam,
Apparently something worked with your suggestions. See below.
I had the latest blast installed. But 1.1.0.beta10 did not liked it and it downloaded an older version.
On the website there are a lot of databases visible. Many are the same:
using the beta version (see above) I get no blast hits using the nt database.
using the older - stable- version I do get many hits.
Something is not right.
Something has changed. -evalue 1e-5 is applied to all searches. Previous version used BLAST’s default evalue of 10. Could that be the reason you are seeing no hits?
Correct. Using -evalue 10 solved the issue. I get similar results
between the two versions.
Any idea what has happened with the multiple database entries in the list?
Can you share a list of files in your database directory? Then I may be able to guess what’s going on with the list of databases in the search form.
Hi Nick,
I just pushed a new release and was wondering if you are now able to install sequenceserver without any errors (gem install --pre sequenceserver).
Hi Priyam,
Thanks for the update. Here is the output of the commands:
gem install --pre sequenceserver
Fetching: sequenceserver-1.1.0.beta11.gem (100%)
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory.
nick@Sylvia-blast ~ $
nick@Sylvia-blast ~ $
nick@Sylvia-blast ~ $ sudo gem install --pre sequenceserver
[sudo] password for nick:
Fetching: sequenceserver-1.1.0.beta11.gem (100%)
Further investigation:
I tried to find configuration files. There is a ~/.sequenceserver
subdirectory with job outputs. I could only find outputs from the non
beta version. The beta version does not create outputs in this
Hi Nick,
Thanks for confirming that the gem install problem is now resolved. I will get back on multiple database issue as soon as I can.
You can set default options to be applied for running BLAST searches through the config file, which is located at ~/.sequenceserver.conf. To use BLAST’s defaults add the following to your config file:
To use BLAST’s defaults, add:
blastn: [’-evalue 10 -task megablast’]
blastp: [’-evalue 10’]
blastx: [’-evalue 10’]
tblastn: [’-evalue 10’]
tblastx: [’-evalue 10’]
or if you only want to change for blastn:
blastn: [’-evalue 10 -task megablast’]
Job data (input and the output) are written to the directory ~/.sequenceserver. BLAST+ binaries and taxdb are also downloaded to ~/.sequenceserver.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for being patient. I just pushed a fix for the multiple database issue to GitHub.
I am planning to do a new release only next week, but you can update using git instead of gem:
cd /path/to/sequenceserver
git pull origin master
bundle exec bin/sequenceserver