Error obtaining blast database

During the first time configuring (i.e., running the command sequenceserver), after it installed the latest version of blast I got this message:

Database dir not set.

SequenceServer needs to know where your FASTA files or BLAST+ databases are.
Please enter the path to the relevant directory (default: current directory).

Press Ctrl+C to quit.

Error obtaining BLAST databases.
Tried: blastdbcmd -recursive -list /home/cslamo -list_outfmt β€œ%f %t %p %n %l %d %v”
BLAST Database error: Error: Not a valid version 4 or 5 database.

Please could you report this to β€˜Redirecting to Google Groups’?

It’s working now. I just had to rerun the initial configuration and indicate the proper path to blast and fast files.

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Super - thank you for the update