Embedding SS in an iFrame

Is it possible to produce a rather stripped down version of the SS front page so that it can be embedded into an iFrame?

Sorry for the late response, Andrew. I was travelling the last few days.

Is it possible to produce a rather stripped down version of the SS front
page so that it can be embedded into an iFrame?

If you are looking for a one line JavaScript snippet on the lines of
embedding Facebook's Like button or Google's +1 button, no, SS does not
have anything readymade in that direction. However, you should be able
to load SS in an iframe like you would load any other web page.
http://www.amborella.org/ (check Tools > BLAST) does that. If you are
not happy with the looks, it is possible to customise search.erb
without really touching SS's code. And you can always send me a pull
requests for improvements :).

-- yeban