Congratulations on an excellent write-up on biorxiv

The write up on sequenceserver appearing today at biorxiv is a real beauty of a bioinformatics applications note detailing the benefits of this fine piece of software, and all the factors that go into its success, from man/machine cognitive considerations, to agile software development practices, to automated testing, and building community, and performing careful market analysis of the “competition”.

Excellent job on the paper…

… and of course on the software, which I am poised to deploy as my institutes web front end for blasting in-house sequence resources (in place of webblast).

My only thought for improvement on your paper: you could contrast your “assisted configuration” even more favorably than you do in your comparison of sequenceserver to (now old) NCBI web-blast, which even after initial installation and configuration requires significant twiddling just to add a new database

Cheers, and congrats again,


Thanks for the encouraging words and feedback Malcolm! We will try and highlight the difference in ease of setup better.

— Priyam