2.0 beta 3 - no search box and databases in search page

I’m trying to run 2.0.0.beta3

bundle exec bin/sequenceserver -D --bin /data/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+/bin/ -d /data/db

The server is running, but the search page does not show the search box and database selection is not showing.

Any suggestions?


[2019-09-17 14:38:04] DEBUG Found nucleotide database ‘Wheat 90K SNP Array, 2015’ at ‘/data/db/wheat90K’
[2019-09-17 14:38:04] DEBUG Will use 1 threads to run BLAST.
[2019-09-17 14:38:04] WARN Will listen on all interfaces ( Consider using (–host option).
[2019-09-17 14:38:04] INFO WEBrick 1.4.2
[2019-09-17 14:38:04] INFO ruby 2.6.4 (2019-08-28) [x86_64-linux]
[2019-09-17 14:38:04] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=75492 port=4567
** SequenceServer is ready.
Go to http://localhost:4567 in your browser and start BLASTing!
To share your setup, please try one of the following:

  • http://:4567
  • http://.org:4567
    Press CTRL+C to quit.

seqserve 2.png

Do you get any error message in the browser console that might help debug the issue?

